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It is not goodbye

Adele Leung

At the end of July, I finished my contract as a stylist for PVH after working there for the last one and a half years. When leaving a company, there was the realization that it was no different from starting to work for a company-we still give it our ABSOLUTE all.

Instead of saying yes to only the invitation for a farewell lunch from my department, I suggested to do a pot luck in the office, so got up at 5am to do a lamb roast with colorful veggies and shared it with the entire office! People came together to help out and the flow of the lunch was effortless and just stunning, in the end we dined with 10 people many would not have even had a chance to say hello to each other for the years of working there in the same office. It was simply breathtaking to observe.

Even though the culture of potluck was still unfamiliar in the corporate culture, as most only dine with their peers or alone, it was gorgeous to have left that imprint in this office. After the lunch I simply exited the office, no goodbyes were necessary, because it did not feel like a goodbye at all. It was immense joy to have felt that.


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